Be informed with trending news & worthy stories and create your own opinion based on facts only.
newSense is news summary app which is simple and easy to use, with the right content. When you talk about news platform, content is the essence. We hate propaganda news as much as you do. newSense is here to revolutionize the way and the type of news you go through, bringing about a change of culture in the news industry mired by allegations of hyped, eye-catching, biased and irresponsible news.
Spend 10 minutes a day to keep yourself updated with the happenings all over the world in the most precise, accurate and relevant manner.
Here you will get concise, curated news only from the best & most trusted sources out there. We keep you informed with trending & worthy news and help you create your own opinion based on facts only.
This app lets you :
-Read news within 60-65 words (manually handpicked & curated)
-Read news in the offline mode in case of low or no internet connectivity
-Read interesting facts with fact cards
-Bookmark your favorite news stories to access them anywhere anytime
-Share interesting news and facts with your friends over WhatsApp, Facebook and other mediums
-Switch between categories and go through unread news at one tap
We try to bring out a holistic picture of the news by-
-timelines to better understand the background of the news
-opinions/editorials arguing both ‘for’ and ‘against’ on different issues
-broadening the horizon of news by giving different categories a proportional share of your time, i.e. less of Bollywood gossip, tweets, cricket and more of facts, policy changes, global, business, science & technology updates
On newsense, we are covering news from more than 15 categories including politics, business, finance, environment, global, cricket, sports, entertainment, positive news and many more.
This is a great learning and awareness platform for students and professionals alike. You would never be surprised by any news update as you have already gone through it on ‘newSense’. It would be of immense help to stay updated with current affairs and in-depth understanding of news for those preparing for UPSC/IAS and other government exams.